Wednesday 13 February 2013


Share px has basically bottomed out breaching May-12's low.

MRCB is only trading at 1.2x book value.

Some of the background and recent news on MRCB
The recent acquisition of Nusa Gapurna will see Datuk Mohamad Salim Fateh taking over the company as Managing Director filling up the top dog position vacant since the departure of Datuk Mohamed Razeek the CEO of MRCB July last year.

Few things to note:
From the way I see it, Nusa Gapurna's entrance is a form of gov bail out for MRCB as well as Datuk Salim expanding his influence and obtaining a listed vehicle. Investors might want to keep this counter on their watchlist.

Friday 8 February 2013

Thursday 7 February 2013

Oil & Gas Value Chain

For a person with non O&G background, reading project announcements for O&G companies can be confusing. This flowchart would help reader understand where each company's stake in the value chain are.